Wacky Wednesday – Robin Hood’s ZoomAlongAQuest!

Wacky Wednesday – Robin Hood’s ZoomAlongAQuest!

🤪 Wacky Wednesday is here, hooray!
👍 And what fun we have for you today!
💫 Earn your zoompoints, make art with bark,
🌲 Learn all about the trees in your local park!
📖 There’s also stories for you to hear,
👂 so be sure to bring your listening ears!
✨ Zoom on down to the ZippedyZoom.Club;
🖱 your amazingly awesome online activity hub!

This #WackyWednesday get ready to:
💫 Earn your ZOOMPOINTS with Nigel the Ninja.
💫 Get experimental with some wacky science.
💫 Learn all about trees with Puck the Eco Sprite
💫 Create your very own ‘bark-work’.
💫 Test those brainboxes with a quiztastic quiz.
💫 Have some chill time with our Zzztime story about this weeks host, Robin Hood.
💫 And don’t miss the fourth installment of Frank L. Baum’s ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’.

🤩 Our Makers & Players in the Lab today are: Euan Cuthbertson, Rebecca BloomSadie Dixon-Spain, and Jessica Wootton – Voice Over, and our whizzbag techtastic team Lizzie Lewis, Charles Dixon-Spain, and Paul Darroch of Oak Tree Productions.

💫 Zoom, Zoom! 💫