Wacky Wednesday – Mad Hatter’s Zooming Tea Party

🤪Wacky Wednesday is here again,
🙌and there’s more fun in store with your Zippedy Zoom friends!
👨🔬Get ready for some science, with a pop, bang, whizz!
👉then storytime, crafting, and even a quiz!
💫We had better get zooming, there’s so much to do,
🥳Come on Zippedy Zoomers, we’re waiting for YOU!
This Wacky Wednesday, get ready to:
💫Earn your Zoompoints with Long John Silver.
💫Get those brainboxes buzzing with a foodtastic quiz.
💫Craft the perfect headwear for the Mad Hatters Virtual Tea Party.
💫Chill out with a ZZZtime story.
💫Catch up with the second installment of L. Frank Baum’s classic, ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’.
💫And learn some top gigglefest jokes for your next video chat!
🤩Our Makers & Players in the Lab today are: Colin Little, Jessica Wootton, Brandon Dodsworth, and Arran Towers of the Tallest Smallest Theatre. And our whizzbang tech team: Lizzie Lewis, Paul Darroch of Oak Tree Productions, and Charles Dixon-Spain.
💫 Zoom, Zoom! 💫