Wacky Wednesday- Rumpelstiltskin’s Zooming Charades

✨ Zippedy Zoomers, and Zoomedy Zips,
🌻 We’ve got some creative fun for your fingertips!
🤪 It’s Wacky Wednesday, and there’s fun galore,
🍄 with toadstools and butterflies, and even some chores!
💫 Snow White is here, there’s Zoompoints to win,
😁 And the March Hare is back to make you grin!
🧚♀️So Zoom on by, this Club is for you,
👋to have fun and create, make, shape, and do!
It’s Wacky Wednesday on ZippedyZoom.Club, so get ready to:
💫 Earn this weeks Zoompoints with Snow White.
💫 Experiment with some super cool science.
💫 Get creative with origami.
💫 Learn some funky flower facts.
💫 Make some very tasty toadstool treats.
💫 Earn your wings with a fairytastic quiz.
💫 Chill out with some ZZZtime storytime with Mavis the March Hare.
💫 and catch the third installment of Frank L. Baum’s ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’.
🤩 Our Magical Makers & Players in the Lab this #WackyWednesday are: Emma Grace, Brandon Dodsworth, Jessica Wootton – Voice Over, Kirsty Miller, Nicole Haddon, Clementina, and our whizzbang tech team Paul Darroch at Oak Tree Productions, Lizzie Lewis, and Charles Dixon-Spain.