Magic Monday – White Rabbit’s Zooming Quiz-Along!

🌈 Monday is here, hip hip hooray!
👉 The start of a whole new week to play!
🐰 This week, the White Rabbit is our host,
🤝 and spending time with friends is what he loves most!
❓There’s a Zooming Quiz-along waiting for you,
✍️ so get ready to answer a question or two!
💫The Zippedy Zoom Club is the place to be,
🥳 so zoom on over and let the fun run free!
This #MagicMonday at the ZippedyZoom.Club we will be:
💫 Touring Wonderland with the White Rabbit!
💫 Hosting our own Zooming Quiz-along!
💫 Searching high and low in the White Rabbit’s wordsearch!
💫 Becoming the best Quizmaster in town!
💫 Creating signs for our Quiz!
💫 Fingerpainting!
💫 Enjoying another fantastic Storytime!
🤩 Our Makers & Players in the Lab today are: Rebecca Bloom, Kirsty Miller, David Carnan, Sadie Dixon-Spain, Isaac Whittaker-Dakin of Galaxy Theatre, and Aida H Dee Drag ADHD of Drag Queen Story Hour UK and our whizzbang tech team Charles Dixon-Spain, Lizzie Lewis, and Paul Darroch of Oak Tree Productions
💫 Zoom, Zoom! 💫