Funtastic Friday – Robin Hood’s ZoomAlongAQuest!

😎 Well here we are, Friday again,
👍 Have you had a good week, Zippedy Zoom friends?
🌈 The weekend is just one sleep away,
🤩 but there’s lots of time for fun today!
💫 Zoom on over to your favourite place,
😁 and smack a big Zippedy Zoom smile across your face!
👉 Go and have fun, don’t be shy!
✨ We’ll see you on Monday, Toodaloo, cheery bye!
This #FuntasticFriday at the ZippedyZoom.Club we are:
💫 Getting creative with origami.
💫 Building our own terranium.
💫 Being totally amazed with magic.
💫 Creating posters for those rotten outlaws.
💫 Having fun with reading and performing odes.
💫 Saying ‘toodlepip’ to our charming friend, Robin Hood.
🤩 Huge, enormous thanks to our Makers and Players in the lab this week: Colin Little, Sadie Dixon-Spain, Rebecca Bloom, Euan Cuthbertson, Brandon Dodsworth, Amy Conway, Paul Stirrat, Isaac Whittaker-Dakin, Jessica Wootton – Voice Over all the way over in #Singapore, and brand new to the lab this week and zooming in from #America it’s the incredible Mr Mike Magic! Our whizzbang tech team also deserve a big ginormous thumbs up: Lizzie Lewis, Paul Darroch of Oak Tree Productions, and Charles Dixon-Spain.
💫 Zoom, Zoom! 💫