Wacky Wednesday – Jerome the Gnome’s Zooming Recycle Challenge

😎 Zip, Zap, Zoomers, it’s time to play!
✨ Get ready for fun this Wacky Wednesday!
🌎 We’re still working hard to save the planet,
🤝 It can’t be too difficult if we ALL help, can it?!
♻️ So join us for more recycling crafts,
😁 Learn how to compost, and have some laughs!
✅ There’s magic and zoompoints, and even a quiz!
👉 So let’s get going, pop, bang, whizz!
This #WackyWednesday we’re going to be:
💫 Earning Zoompoints with Rumple’s Recycling Challenge!�💫 Learning how to compost!
💫 Finding out ways we can look after our planet!
💫 Amazing our friends & family with a toptastic magic trick!
💫 Helping the songbirds by creating a feeder just for them!
💫 Testing those brainboxes with a recycling quiz!
💫 Chilling out with not one, not two, but THREE exciting story times!
🤩 Our Makers & Players in the Lab today are: Aida H Dee Drag ADHD from Drag Queen Story Hour UK, Paul Stirrat, Isaac Whittaker-Dakin from Galaxy Theatre, Jessica Wootton – Voice Over all the way from #Singapore, and Mr Mike Magic all the way from the #USA!
💫 Zoom, Zoom! 💫