Magic Monday – Zooming Picnic with Granny Wolf!

⭐️ Hello Zippedy Zoomers, we have more fun for you!
⭐️ A Zooming Picnic with Granny Wolf, and lots to do!
👉 Just added to ZippedyZoom.Club
💫 Hello from the Pro – the one and only Zippedillia Zoom!
💫 A Zooming Picnic with Granny Wolf.
💫 Host your own picnic – lots of fun ideas to make it the best picnic EVERRRRR!
💫 Experience some awesome tiny backyard theatre.
💫 Get clued up with Zzzoomfo!
💫 And another brill storytime with our friend Aida H Dee Drag ADHD!
✨ Please LIKE and SHARE with all your friends!✨
Our Makers & Players making fun for you today are: David Carnan, Sadie Dixon-Spain, Arran Towers from Tallest Smallest Theatre, and Aida H Dee Drag ADHD from Drag Queen Story Hour UK. Our whizzbang tech team, Lizzie Lewis, Charles Dixon-Spain, and Paul Darroch from Oak Tree Productions.
💫 Zoom, Zoom! 💫
CLICK HERE for today’s Zippedy Zoom Club fun!