Ghostbuster Activation!

Ghostbuster Activation!

In partnership with SONY and Landsec, Kit and Caboodle have curated an exclusive UK tour of the Ecto-1 replica car, with a spectacular team of Ghostbusters from The Walking Theatre Company! What an epic time we had at Trinity Centre LEEDS this past weekend!
The tour celebrates the release of the NEW Ghostbusters movie – Ghostbusters: Afterlife – come along and join in the fun!

🧟‍♀️ 23rd & 24th October @ White Rose Shopping Centre, LEEDS
👻 26th & 27th October @ Bluewater Shopping Centre, DARTFORD
🧟‍♀️ 28th & 29th October @ West Gate Shopping Centre, OXFORD
👻 30th & 31st October @ St David’s Shopping Centre, CARDIFF